Karen Martinez, from Colombia has wrote us her 6 months internship experience in Prague in a Tourism and leisure event managament company
Summarize shortly the type of job you did in Prague
I did my internship in a golf company in Prague. During my internship, I had the chance to make a wide set of tasks such as communications with partners in Czech Republic and Central Europe, Presentation of the annual golf event (Czech Golf Festival) in the city of Prague in collaboration with touristic operators, Golf club and clients or supervise of the presentations of the firm in Spanish as well as bulletins and leaflets among others.
How your experience abroad could help you in the near future?
I am convinced that this experience is going to help me from now and on but especially in the near future. While working in an international environment I have had the opportunity to work with people from other countries and different work methodologies, giving a new perspective about challenges of a global business, understanding different ways to solve daily tasks.
Tell us an advice that you would give to other participants
Central Europe is a place where I found a lot of differences in comparison to my country. I think the best advice I could give is that it is very important to keep an open mind attitude, and be ready to learn new things every day.
Why do you recommend to others to come to Prague?
Prague is a marvelous city, plenty of life and free time activities such concerts, parks, museums, sports… There I made friends that I’m sure will last in the time. Furthermore Prague is city that mixes tradition and modernity, where you can travel through central Europe inexpensively. Definitively it is a unique experience.