MovAbility Strategic Partnership in Special Education Needs topic

Since the past fall 2019, Qualo has been involved in the development of the MovAbility Strategic Partnership, to foster access to VET mobility for youngsters with Special Education Needs.

MobAvility partners meet Vicenza´s City Councillor during the Kick-off meeting

This initiative was born out of the idea that, in a growing modern, it has become a fundamental objective of society to ensure that all students have the same opportunities and job prospects. However it is widely known that students with special needs are facing more barriers, including their access to mobility opportunities. Based in our experience, mobility in Vocational Education Training (VET) is a key element of lifelong learning systems equipping people with knowledge, know-how, skills and competences required on the labour market. Nowadays as the EU is currently promoting inclusive education and lifelong learning for students and pupils with disabilities,  we saw this as an opportunity to develop a project in which we could make a real contribution to achieve these goals, by understanding the reasons behind the existence of such barriers, creating the tools to eliminate them and finally building the channels and networks that will facilitate in future the access to mobility programs to this collective.

Which is project´s goal?

The general objective of the project is to foster the participation to VET mobility opportunities for youngsters with special needs, easing their transition to the labour market and their social integration. Besides this general objective, the project pursues two specific objectives:

  1. To establish and reinforce cooperation among VET providers from other European countries in order to exchange experiences.
  2. Develop local partnerships among learning institutions, businesses and intermediary bodies and raise awareness on topics such as: social inclusion, non-discrimination and equity.
  3. Raise awareness among local entities and stakeholders on social inclusion, non-discrimination,
    access to disadvantaged;

Who is taking part in this project?

Qualo is joining forces with 8 different partners from 7 different countries, under the coordination of FORTES Social Enterprise. Together we have put together a team of professionals who will show our commitment to move the project forward, to achieve the final goals and to make what we expect will be an important contribution to the Special Needs collective.

We can count on the invaluable cooperation of our international partners, who at the same time, will play an important and particular roll in the development of this project:

– FORTES Social Enterprise SRL (Italy), as the Project Coordinator.
– Fundacion Obra Social y Monte de Piedad de Madrid (Spain)
– SEMPER NEXT (Poland)
– Institute Perspectives (Bulgary)
– North West Academy of English Limited Ireland (Ireland)
– AFORMAC (France)
– INNOGROWTH – European Association for Innovation and Growth (Bulgary)

Which will be the project activities and the expected outcomes?

1. An analysis carried out by each partner upon the legal framework, methodologies and services existing in every partner country with regards to the inclusion of disabled people in education, training, labour market and social life;
2. The establishment of local networks among public and private entities involved in the integration process of disabled people and the realisation of three round tables in each partner country;
3. The realisation of three short-term training events for staff in Madrid, Vicenza and Wroclaw with the aim of exchanging experiences among partners, comparing different inclusion systems and developing ideas and solutions;
4. The production of an e-book which will gather good practices;
5. The implementation of different local dissemination events in every partner country.

We are proud to be participate of such an amazing project, and we are also pleased to collaborate with such an wonderful team of professionals. We truly praise this opportunity we hope from the bottom of our hearts that our joined forces can create the path to a more inclusive and better world.