About Us

Qualo training & mobility has been providing tailor-made services for International mobility programs since 2006. managing both large EU educational project, as well individual self-funded internships with participants coming from Latin American, the USA and more recently China.
Our mission is to help students and recent graduates seeking for their first relevant work experience, to boost their linguistic, professional and personal skills.

host organization
yearly internships
international partners
0 +

Our mission

In our globalized world, companies strive for multicultural teams to address the requirements of a constant evolving market. Following this rising trend, Qualo strongly believes in the importance of strengthening international relationships.

It is our mission to promote bilateral mobility agreements between countries, by arranging study and internship programs.

Our programs

Apply for Internships Abroad

Take the next step to an unique career experience

Become our Partner Organization

Rely on Qualo to implement and manage projects.

Join as a Host Company

Bring innovation and dynamism to your company.


Internship Management

We arrange internship placements, as well as participant´s orientation, mentoring, project administration. and emergency support


We procure accommodation solutions according to the needs and budget, such us Student residences, apartaments and Hotels

Training and courses

We provide thematic trainnings and tailor made seminars focused on the development of skills, cultural adaptation & languages

Airport Transfer

We facilate transportation and safe pick-up from/to airport.

Public transport

We manage the public transport card for the whole internship duration.

Visa support

We support with document preparation in case they are required for your Visa application

On boarding

We offer the possibility to manage for big groups on-boarding services inclduing meals and pocket money cash.

Cultural trips offer

We offer cultural trips in some of the touristic European destinations and cultural immersion in the country destination

Professional program

We organize special events, seminars to support your organization broadening horizons, finding new partners for your projects or just visiting your colleagues abroad.



Live in the vibrant multicultural and multilingual mosaic of the heart of Europe.


Do a deep dive in the warm atmosphere of the most outstanding Mediterranean cities.


The Land of the Red Dragon is waiting for you with its powerful and trendy cities.


Qualo provides you with tones of useful resources for your experience, providing tips for your professional placement, interviews, CVs… as well as many tips regarding your stay abroad and your life in your home town destination.

We also post all the updates about our current projects and recent news, so do not miss any of them!

Our Team

QUALO  training & mobility is settled in Prague, and has well-established offices across Europe, as well as new presence in China, through our branch Qualo Global in Shanghai. Our well trained team specializes in Mobility and International Project Implementation.

Prague Office

Petra Perončíková

Office Manager Central EU​

Office Administrator, Team Leader, and Active Relationship Developer in Central Europe

Sheila García

Project Manager Central EU

Business Developer, Marketing, & Communications, Trainings & Mentoring

Elena Palečková

Project Coorditor LaTam

Expert International Coordinator, Multicultural Relationships.

Marie Diallo

Project Coordinator Europe

Expert International Coordinator, Multicultural Relationships.

Shanghai Office

Jacqueline Fatsawo

Head of Business Innovation

Sourcing, Strategic Planning, China Advisor, Multilingual & Intercultural Communication.

Nerea Olabegoya

Global Lead

Expert International Business Adviser, Project Management, Dedicated Relationship Builder

Jing Zhang

Head of Global Marketing

Expert Business Consultant, Strategies &  Branding, PR & Media.

Jess Hsu

Operations Manager

Partnerships & business Development & Sourcing. 

Jeffrey Yu

Head of Business Operations

Business Development, Project Management & Business Operations.


Discover what our trainees an partners say about us and our job.

We have successfully collaborated since 2009, with programs such us Leonardo da Vinci, Erasmus + and our own mobilities. Services provided were varied and tailor made, including arrangement of suitable placement, cultural & linguistic immersion courses, accommodation... We highlight the great efficiency in the tutoring tasks and project pre-administration & closing.

M. Jesús

Xunta de Galicia, Spain

Qualo helped me during all process, from the very first steps before coming to the Czech Rep. finding the company, and also during all the accompanying process throughout my stay since the arrival to my residence. Qualo even offered me support to stay and fulfill my dream to continue my career path in Prague. This was a unique opportunity.

Maria Caterina

Trainee from Colombia

I highly recommend Qualo to any company who believes they could benefit from having volunteers join their team. The experience for the volunteer and company is equally rewarding. We have been quite pleased with the quality volunteers Qualo has sent to us and we have hired a couple of volunteers upon completion of the scheduled internship.

Lana G.

School Principal

If you have the chance to to make your internship abroad is very important to have some support like Qualo. They are like some kind of "adoptive parents", who enables you to be more confident and secure, as you know that you are not alone and that you can always count on someone backing me up in the city in case I needed it or I had to face any difficulty.

Maria José

Trainee from Colombia

Qualo met our demands on the project very accurately, showing to be a reliable partner. One of their best strenghts is the capacity to organise the hosting program needed, for us, finding placements where gender equality perspective in the labour market was taken into consideration. Hope we´ll keep the cooperation as our international partner.

Pilar A.

Uni. Pablo de Olavide

Qualo played and important role intermediating between my university and company. Making such a challenging decision, requires big support in all the process stages and Qualo helped me with the interviews, Visa application, adaptation to this total different culture and many other issues. Now Prague became my home and workplace.


Trainee from Colombia

We have established a solid cooperation with Qualo for over the past five years, hosting their international trainees. We acknowledge that Qualo team is highly professional, and we believe that the main highlight of our collaboration is keeping an open and constant communication as a key to build a trustworthy and smooth business partnership.

Pavlína Z.


Qualo took care of me while I was in Prague, making sure I had everything I needed to have a successful internship. Unfortunately, I was there when COVID-19 was spreading, but Qualo was very instrumental in making sure I was informed of the local policy changes that affected me, as well as making sure that I had the resources to leave should I need.

Eric M.

Trainee from the USA

We have cooperated with Qualo for a long period and they brought us during the years of cooperation plenty of great students and young workers to our laboratory. We haven´t found any problems on field of communication, no empty promises and all the problematic points which sometimes has appeared during the intership were always promptly solved. So for the quality and professionality of their services we can certainly recommend Qualo.

David K.

Inst. for Mental Health

HETEL has been collaborating with QUALO for over the past 9 years. We mainly appreciate the support they provide to all our students. This support starts before their arrival. So when they arrive in Prague for their 13 weeks traineeships, they know they are not alone. Our students can always count on QUALO staff to support them if they need help.

Anabel M.

HETEL, Basque country

I'd especially highlight Qualo's outstanding professionalism, offering significant help during all steps: demand development, internship plan formalization, candidates pre-screening, interviews, documents, student's support. Qualo does their job not just business-wise by also their hearts to help students AND companies with their lack of qualified resources.

Petr V.


Qualo is an organization that took care of me, and provided me support and help in anything I needed for my internship in the Czech Rep.. Once you are living abroad and far away, you really appreciate to have a “second family” there for you. Now, after finishing my internship Prague is my home and workplace and I am thankful to Qualo for having this opportunity.


Trainee from Colombia

I first met Qualo in 2018, and right away we found many ways of possible cooperation in raising new stars for hospitality industry. It was great pleasure to welcome over 15 young talented students from different countries. During their internship, they enhanced their studies and prepared themselves well for their career through practical experience.

Denisa S.

Jan Hotels

ADP is grateful for the close collaboration enjoyed with Qualo. Qualo enables us to collaborate with key universities in Spain and build a strong internship program in which both the students and the company benefit. I must personally thank my Qualo contact who is always available and ready to provide me a timely and accurate information through the process.

Andrés R.

ADP Employer services

We have been working with Qualo training & mobility for more than 5 years. Since the beginning of our cooperation we have received more than 10 interns who have helped us to develop different support tasks in our Art Gallery. Wwe are very satisfied with our cooperation with Qualo and we strongly recommend the collaboration with them.

Katerina B.

Latin Art

My experience wh Qualo training and mobility has been very positive during all our cooperation. Our organization trully appreciates how they actively present the cooperation opportunities and how they communicate with us to make sure that we are satisfied with the interns they bring to our company.


Open Innovations

We have been successfully cooperating with Qualo in solving our research projects for several years. We know from them and Qualo that even for them, the monthly or three-month internships at our institute are very good experiences and the knowledge gained can help them in their further study and work.

Pavína M.

Inst. of Forestry and Game

Qualo has been an invaluable strategic ally for the Economic and Administration Science Faculty of our Poticifia Javeriana University, supporting our students in the area of internship placement research and accompaniment in the Czech republic. They successfully offer our students important professional growth opportunities, helping them fulfill their academic program.

Natalia E.

Javeriana University, Colombia

"I never teach my pupils. I only attempt to provide the conditions in which they can learn".

Albert Einstein

Tell us more about your needs and we will develop a tailor made proposal according to your request.