
Our main city destination for internships is Prague.

The program aims to turn your skills, passions, ambitions and academic accomplishments into real-world success within a company related to your field of studies.

Placements start throughout the year and vary in length depending on the your objectives and availability. All elements of the program are carefully constructed so as to provide a balance between the professional aspect of the internship and the cultural experience in the host country.

The international environment in all the proposed destinations will additionally help you to improve your English and learn the local language at the same time.



  • The program is open to students or graduates from all over the world.
  • Be at least 18 years old. Applicants  must also have  a valid passport   or visa to travel to their chosen destination.
  • Be fluent  in both  written and spoken English.
  • Demonstrate, through the application process, flexibility, maturity, adaptability, and readiness to face the challenges of living in a new culture.
  • Possibility to obtain a Learning Agreement from your School, Institute or University
  • Valid Visa


  • Program application and registration.
  • Preselection and matching between participant and host company, and organization of Skype interview if necessary.
  • Confirmation of collaboration interest and project administration.
  • Preparation of the necessary documents (Learnings, certificates…)
  • Welcome orientation meeting, accompanying to the first working day, periodical tutions and emergency contact
  • Project closing and certifications.

Majority of programs are not paid. However it is possible to obtain some benefits in case of a good profile and  a long-term internships (over 5 months)

Ask for more informationa and send us your application to our email info@qualo, together with your CV and motivation letter.

Qualo manages all sort of mobilities, internships, study programs and trainings in collaboration with different sending organization from different EU countries such as Spain, Poland, Italy as well as other non European Partners from America and Asia. Additionally, we are also participating in several strategic partnernships.

Who can be part of our projects

  • Participants from various countries (Spain, Italy, UK, Germany, Third Countries,…) for 1 – 6 months.
  • Students and recent graduates from High school, vocational training, specialized courses, and universities, generally between 17 (e.g VET participants) and 30 years old.
  • Reinsertion programs: people 30+, unemployed and people with special needs.
  • Teachers and school´s staff
  • Diplomatic corps and employment institutions



Our partnership proposal

Qualo will be more than glad to join in different spheres of your project:

  • to host your students/interns directly at our company
  • to offer them an internship placement in our partner organization
  • to get any kind of assignment and to contribute to your project proposal

We have a wide experience and we are always ready to adapt and manage any project or contribute in different steps.

Qualo will be more than happy to host your students/interns as we have many open positions in different sectors and we are always ready to search a host company for each participant according to their preferences.

We look forward to being your trustworthy partner. Send us your request and project details to our email mobility@qualo.

Having an intern in your company brings you a new vision and fresh ideas. It is a great opportunity for both the company and the participant. In some cases, it will be a trial period for a potential employee.

  • We identify the needs of your company and search for suitable jobs.
  • We examine the situation and help you select the right aspirant at no cost in case the internees recive a grant.
  • The company decides the payment if the internee is not awarded with a grant.
  • We support with all possible administrative issues such us documentation, certificates and Visa application (if needed).
  • Qualo and trainee´s sending institution support the trainee with all services related to their stay, including arrival organization, orientation, mentoring, accommodation, insurances…



Benefits for your company

  • Increase of knowledge about different cultures.
  • Having an employee of a foreign language.  Increase of productivity.
  • Benefits associated with a new vision and an open person on staff.
  • Corporate Social Responsibility: social involvement.
  • Help students from around the globe to live  and enrich their academic experience abroad.
  • Offer training to participants that need to improve their skills for an academic, professional and cultural environment.
  • Make sure that the participants fulfill their learning and that they achieve their goals . 


Send us your request and project details to our email incoming@qualo.