What to do at the end of your internship

Many trainees at the end of their experience abroad wonder what they should do and how they should behave. That’s why we have suggestions for you and are ready to answer your questions.


Thanking the company is always a good way to end the internship. But, how to do it, who to thank?

–       Who? Supervisor, co-workers, department heads, volunteer staff, Human Resources, your Career Center counselor or staff members, and any individual who helped you

–       How? Depends on the company, but hand-written note is always a safe method

–       Other ways: home-made pastry, special snacks, coffee mug … Just keep it simple and cost to a minimum.


Keeping in contact with the company not only gives you the opportunity to grow, but above all,  to obtain good references and to develop a future partnership

 Here are some tips how you can keep in touch with the company:

–       Design assignments for yourself: present your research, write report on results of evaluating data …

–       Train your replacement intern

–       Write a guide for new interns

–       Start an alumni intern newsletter online

–       Start an intern blog

–       Be a good representative of a company: spread the word


Keep in mind that references are really important, because they validate your internship, your work as an intern. You need reference letters for future jobs.

First you need to make an appointment with your supervisor and ask him/her for general reference letter. If you have in mind a special position that makes clear that you need more specified reference letter.

Then you need to consider, if there are any other people who could be good resources for references. For example: team leader, mentor, advisor, human resources department …

Last but not the least is the timing. You have to receive letters before you leave the internship, so a good timing is start making your requests about two weeks before your internship ends, so people will have enough time.


After you are done with your internship, one of the important things is the evaluation of what you learned.

–       Check which goals and expectations you met

–       Note the new skills you’ve developed

–       Write down the positive comments from your final evaluation report

–       Think about which new knowledge you gained and if your confidence is bigger (it should be)

–       Do not lose new contacts, that you got, they may help you in the future

–       Study your resume before and after your internship and see what you gained