Special tips for a Skype job interview

Do you have a job interview via Skype and you feel nervous?
You´ve probably had many job interviews but just a few or none by Skype. Although this is something unusual for us, every day more and more employers or recruiters offer this kind of interviews. If you are in this situation, here you have some tips that will help you feel more comfortable during the interview.

These are the most important ones:

1. Prepare your computer. Check the sound, microphone and ambient light, keep Skype updated to the latest version, set up the height of the camera, etc. When you got everything ready you can perform a trial with a friend.

2. Check your profile. Ensure that your username, photography, or even your email looks professional. An interview is something critical, keeping a tidy,  and professional resume, avoiding inappropriate names or difficult email addresses. It is a good idea to have two accounts, one personal and another for professional purposes.

3. Visual preparation. Dress up like you would when attending to a personal job interview. Adecuate dress code will provide you an extra point of confidence. Clean and tidy the whole room, not only the camera range, the interviewer can play you a trick.

4. Connect on time. It is important to be prepared a few minutes before the agreed time to solve any inconvenience that may arise and to avoid making the interviewer wait.

5. At the time of the interview. Acts as you would act in a personal interview. Try not to talk too loud, something we usually do when we talk on Skype. If there are small cuts because of the network connection, do not interrupt the interviewer to ask him, let him finish talking and request him. Finally, something important: look at the camera instead to the screen.

These are some of the most important points to keep in mind, and if the interview is not like you expected, do not worry and do not think that the mistake is in the kind of interview.

Don’t forget that Qualo can help you to find different internships abroad. Don’t hesitate to contact us at mobility@qualo.eu!