Valeria´s internship experience in Prague

I spent 3 months in Prague for an internship at Qualo training & mobility. The idea was to get involved in something new and leave my port safe, my city and my family.
When we study, everything we learn on books doesn’t tell us what we’re going to do next or what will your experience in the world of work be like. So I prepared my baggage full of willpower and desire to learn and left behind my securities.
Prague was a bet for me, a city totally different from mine, colder and with a different language, yet this was the most stimulating thing that combined with my work experience allowed me to grow in every single way.
While I was abroad I had to deal with a pandemic that affected my country and my home, but also the city of Prague. Despite this I never felt that I was totally alone thanks to the support of my tutor and the company, who was immediately ready to organize my work from home and answer all my questions.
In hard times you can understand even more what you are made of, so to this day from this experience I can say that I came out stronger from every point of view, more courageous, but above all more aware of what awaits me next, the world of work and how much it is it’s important to always get better, improve yourself day by day, push yourself to overcome your limits and fears.

I will be forever grateful to Qualo, but especially to Prague who has been able to cradle me like a daughter.


who otherwise ended up believing

that you’re made just for a panorama

And instead inside you

there are wonderful landscapes

yet to be visited.”